Monday, March 28, 2016

Excuses, excuses.

Well, my blogging enterprise has certainly languished. Once every two years will simply not make it in the world of blogging. It is not that I don't have a lot of ideas, or observations, or witticisms, or snatches of brilliant cliches, or delusions of self-worth. No, I just don't take the time. I am busy, and I think "later."

But, I can do better.

My shameless idea for this blog is to promote my latest book. But since I have no blog following, that is a silly idea. But lots of ideas are silly, and they get attention don't they? Look at the political realm for instance. We are engaged in a dirty brawl of name calling, slandering, and extremes of opinion that challenge our ideas of infinity. The limits of poor taste, bullying, hypocrisy are continuing to reach for new and hitherto unknown levels of barbarianism.

Imagine a high school civics class, and the teacher is expounding on the glories of our democracy, and the high moral standing of the rule of the people. And then try to imagine this teacher encouraging high minded, generous, serious, students to seek higher political office. The good ones would laugh, and the bullies would be inspired to new dimensions of selfishness and arrogance.

So, a silly idea. A book. A year's worth of work. Done, and published. And a book's purpose? To be read and enjoyed, or not.

An author wants readers, and the author wants a certain number of those readers to like the book. The author does not have a problem with "approval addiction" either. He just wants some people to like his work. And then, tell a few friends.

Silly idea, I know. But look at the rejection slips that J K Rowling received. Or John Grisham. Someone, an expert no doubt, decided that these authors would never sell. These authors had their own silly idea.

I have read some truly inspiring books. And some that were so bad that I wondered who would ever agree to publish them. You know what I mean. Same with movies. Someone wrote a movie that someone else agreed to spend millions of dollars to make. And it was such a dud that you wonder what they were thinking. (I really like Russell Crowe, but did you see the movie Noah?)

My new book is "The Alien Shake." A riveting, spell binding ... forget that. It is a book that some will like and some not. You can read a sample on Amazon, and judge for yourself.

Now, back to my civics class.